2020 F2 Visa帶另一半築夢美國這篇文章主要是寫給一年前的我或是現在有一樣煩惱的 F1 學生們, F2 Visa 許多事情得 F1 代為處理才能夠順利完成。 文章內容主要會分為5個階段。Apr 12, 2021Apr 12, 2021
About AWS Solution Architecture Associate — Part 110 years ago, building a system on-premise might still be the major solution. Since we all realized that the software world has already…Jan 9, 2021Jan 9, 2021
2020三隻貓飛往佛州- Gainesville這篇主要就是記錄我和我太太扛著三隻毛小孩 (兩隻我的貓女兒 + 我太太的貓兒子) 前往美國東南岸冒險之旅的準備事項和心得,希望能夠幫助可能也會想和我們一樣捨不得毛小孩的出國人。Jan 7, 2021Jan 7, 2021
Modules to build Python CrawlerSome people might be familiar with this topic, since Python is a powerful langauge on crawling data from websites. In this blog, I’m going…Aug 9, 2020Aug 9, 2020
Python Multiproccessing — CeleryIn this blog, I’m going to record down the experience I went through recently — finding a suitable tool to run my python program in…Jul 16, 2020Jul 16, 2020
2020 美國CS二碩申請心得這段路上有許多要感謝的人,把這段經歷寫下希望能夠對於有相同夢想或是已經正在路上的人有所幫助。主要的目的是能夠讓人避免踩坑跟紀錄這一路上幫助我的人事物。以下是我會分享的大主題: 1. 申請困難 2. 考試心得 3. 拉我一把的人 4. 送給跟我狀況雷同的你Mar 25, 20201Mar 25, 20201
What is Approximation Algorithm?Sometime people will ask what did I learn from my graduate program, and most of them were curious about approximation algorithms. So, what…Mar 22, 2020Mar 22, 2020